Cantaloupe Interim Management

Interim Management Agency
exclusively focused on
Human Resources


Cantaloupe: specific expertise in HR Interim Management

  • We have a network of +2300 HR Interim Managers/Freelancers, expertly classified under 30 competence profiles.

  • We interview all the selected HR Interim Managers/Freelancers in person. References and track records are always checked.

  • Within 48 hours, we introduce available HR Professionals to you who meet your specific criteria, both in terms of expertise and personality.

  • The daily fee for the services provided is correct, competitive and  is discussed openly with both the client and the interim manager/freelancer.

Cantaloupe Informs!

HR Interim Managers/Freelancers have a lot to say. Through “Cantaloupe Informs” they are happy to share their opinion and expertise on current HR topics with you.

Importance of a Job Architecture/Function Catalogue? And how to get the most out of a Function Framework?


Daan D’hooghe states in “Importance of a Job Architecture/Function Catalogue? And how to get the most of a Function Framework?” as a basic premise that a function framework should be a key element of any People Strategy. In his clear and well-grounded article Daan describes the added value a function framework offers to both the employer as employees. He elaborates also, among other things, on the benefits that generic job descriptions provide for the employees to determine the content of their work and gives us some guidelines to ensure the active use of the function framework in the organisation. Read more

High Performance Culture. The Simple Ingredients for Lasting Change


The starting point of Raf Lamberts’ article is that a high-performance culture in business is equivalent to an elite sports team competing at the highest level and that in both areas sustained excellence does not happen by accident, it happens by design. In “High Performance Culture. The Simple Ingredients for Lasting Change”, Raf offers us a closer look at what he believes to be the recipe for success and the simple but necessary ingredients that fuel high performance cultures. Read more

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