Cantaloupe Interim Management
Cantaloupe Informs!

Cantaloupe Interim Management is fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate successfully and in an enriching way on an interpersonal level with an extensive network of experienced HR Interim Managers. “Cantaloupe Informs!” reflects this collaboration: in addition to our own news items, you can also read the contributions of our freelance HR experts. Their topics not only deal with specific HR issues, but also with current societal developments.


Wat als…..HR en schaakspel was? – Dirk Deconninck

08 October 2020

The optimal development and deployment of human capital is essential to all companies or organizations and is for HR the domain par excellence for delivering added value. In “What if…HR was a chess game”, Dirk Deconninck shows us how the chess game can be a source of inspiration for a well thought-out Human Capital Management.

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You see the brightest stars in the darkest nights; how purpose helps leaders to thrive in crisis. – Ann van de Perre

24 September 2020

The COVID pandemic has accelerated the need for a different type of leadership that is effective when disorder and uncertainty are the norm.  This ever-changing environment increases the demand on leaders to be grounded and catered from within, independent of an ambiguous, chaotic environment. Ann van de Perre emphasizes this growing need for authentic leadership where purpose is at the core.

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HRBPs are the fuel for success in beneficial and lasting changes/transformations! – Fabienne Cafmeyer

23 June 2020

Enabling beneficial and lasting transformation in today’s accelerated business environment requires sponsorship from the leadership team as well as sound project management. Furthermore, you need effective change management to cope with the people side of the transformation. Fabienne Cafmeyer places the role of the Human Resources Business Partners at the heart of this change process.

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Loopbaancoaching: vandaag een actueel thema? – Annick Rombouts

23 June 2020

Today can be a good moment for many employees to take a closer look at their job. The labour market is being shaken up and the experiences of the past few months place questions about one’s own functioning more firmly in the foreground. Annick Rombouts gives us a number of strong arguments to focus on career coaching now, illustrating the usefulness of CoreTalents Analysis.

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Virussen en Digitalisering …. soms een heilzame combinatie – Annabel Tanghe

19 June 2020

You don’t need a crystal ball to understand that e-learning will have a steep rise. Tools are purchased, change processes rolled out. However, the correct use of these tools and the provision of didactically well-founded e-learning material is not self-evident. Annabel Tanghe, Learning and Development Expert, gives us 5 important content tips for the development of a digital learning trajectory.

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