Cantaloupe Interim Management
Cantaloupe Informs!

Cantaloupe Interim Management is fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate successfully and in an enriching way on an interpersonal level with an extensive network of experienced HR Interim Managers. “Cantaloupe Informs!” reflects this collaboration: in addition to our own news items, you can also read the contributions of our freelance HR experts. Their topics not only deal with specific HR issues, but also with current societal developments.


Diversity, Equality & Inclusion-Werk aan de winkel? – Marijke Van Cauteren

09 December 2022

Marijke Van Cauteren states in her captivating article that Diversity, Equality & Inclusion has been high on the agenda of Corporate organisations operating worldwide in recent years. She foresees DE&I becoming a keeper in Belgium too, and this not only because of the changing zeitgeist more also because more and more studies prove the great added value of DE&I for companies.  “Diversity, Equality & Inclusion-Werk aan de winkel?” urges us to think about how diverse and inclusive we find the company we work for and what initiatives we can take to promote this cultural change.

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De waarde van opleiding – kost of profit – Peter Buyse

28 September 2022

Training is a profit! However, it is not easy to realise this….. In “The value of training – cost or profit”, Peter Buyse first points out the pitfalls that turn training into a cost: training as a menu, training as part of performance and evaluation interviews and training that is determined by short-term thinking. He then elaborates on the conditions that make training a strategic instrument that helps employees to be a crucial factor in realising value for external and internal customers.

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Een paardenmiddel voor leiders – Bie De Backer

27 September 2022

In “Een paardenmiddel voor leiders”, Bie De Backer  talks about Horse Assisted Coaching as an efficient support in integrating theory and practice in leadership processes. Leaders can increase their personal growth and self-insight by looking deeply into the mirror.  Horses offer this mirror in a crystal clear way. An example from her practice as a Horse Reflected Coach gives a nice illustration.

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Co-creëren, wie zijn best doet, kan het leren – Annelies Slijper and Eline Muyters

26 September 2022

In “Co-creëren, wie zijn best doet, kan het leren”, Annelies Slijper and Eline Muyters of Trailblazers break a lance for co-creation. Co-makership or co-creation is a powerful way of binding people to your organisation; creating an environment in which you actively listen to people, give them real autonomy and bring people together to achieve results from synergy. With “Lego© Serious Play©” and “Appreciative Circles”, they offer 2 strong methodologies that give employees the opportunity to help build a house and not just hang the curtains.

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Secure base leadership en liefde als leiderschapsparadigma voor de 21ste eeuw? – Lynn Van Houtte

19 June 2022

It is Lynn Van Houtte‘s conviction that if we want to make sustainable transitions, we best make relational connections at a deep(er) level. Leaders can set a good example. With “Secure base leadership en liefde als leiderschapsparadigma voor de 21ste eeuw?”, an article with tango as leading metaphor, Lynn wants to create a dialogue on how we organise our relationships in the workplace today and the possible impact on people and results.

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