Cantaloupe Interim Management
Cantaloupe Informs!

Cantaloupe Interim Management is fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate successfully and in an enriching way on an interpersonal level with an extensive network of experienced HR Interim Managers. “Cantaloupe Informs!” reflects this collaboration: in addition to our own news items, you can also read the contributions of our freelance HR experts. Their topics not only deal with specific HR issues, but also with current societal developments.


Soulful Leadership – Inge Anno & Marianne Wagner

06 June 2021

A leader who thinks, acts and behaves in a soulful manner inspires others to do the same. The human approach of a soulful leader changes the way people grow, collaborate and feel. In their article, Inge Anno and Marianne Wagner, founders of B.Soul, share with us 10 pillars of Soulful Leadership.

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Iedereen doet aan Employer Branding…of toch niet? – Hervé Heesterbeek

16 March 2021

Developing an effective Employer Branding strategy is not as obvious as it seems to some. In all the enthusiasm for bringing the company DNA to life, a number of basic rules are often overlooked. Hervé Heesterbeek emphasises the importance of communicating authentically as an essential pillar for successful Employer Branding. If not, the result may be a pretty story without any content and therefore with little appeal for future and current employees.

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Recognition as part of performance management – Griet Robberechts

16 March 2021

A Recognition Program can be a valuable tool to drive change by promoting desired behaviour and fostering positive attitudes. Griet Robberechts discusses in her article some best practices to make such a program a successful one. She also highlights the added value that more innovative recognition methods can bring specifically in 2021.

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Home office is here to stay, but will you please tell me how? – Nick Cuyvers

02 March 2021

Nick Cuyvers has no intention whatsoever of giving you ready-made answers on how best to organise your “Home Office” in the post-Covid world. In his article, on the other hand, he helps you to ask the right questions in order to draw up well-considered and appropriate Home Office guidelines.

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Reimagining the Role of the Team Leader – Erna Vanden Wyngaert & Mariet Vrancken

31 January 2021

Controlling, a major pre-covid part of the role of many team leaders, becomes difficult to fulfil in a hybrid working environment. The fear of not meeting expectations and goals push team leaders out of their comfort zone and triggers a lot of questions. Erna Vanden Wyngaert and Mariet Vrancken, founders of Reimagine Work, highlight 4 topics to consider when reimagining the team leader’s rol.

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